May 8th, Cascadeur New Release! “The Human Octopus”
The Human Octopus
Available May 8th on iTunes
Winner of the 2008 prestigious “CQFD” Prize (for “Things Just Waiting to be Discovered”) awarded by Les Inrockuptibles, Cascadeur is painting sound landscapes of color-tinted notes using his keyboards to draw audiences into a dreamlike atmosphere where one wanders with delight.
Cascadeur is as visual as he is sound-based. He takes brilliant risks, imbued with classical music and nourished by the most innovative trends. From chord to chord, one can hear the inspiration of Antony and the Johnsons, classic pop, Radiohead, Nina Simone – but also Satie.
“Cascadeur is extraordinary. Concealing his identity behind a Mexican wrestling mask, he’s stock still behind a keyboard intoning like Anthony Hegarty as if he’d never heard Nina Simone.” Mojo (UK)
“What might you get if Air and Sebastien Tellier were filtered through Pink Floyd with vocals by a Michael Jackson and Antony Hegarty chimera? Cascadeur” Death + Taxes (USA)